Remote Deposit

Remote Deposit Service

Remote Deposit Capture Service enables business customers to make check deposits via a PC and scanning device from their business location. Once the checks are scanned, electronic images of the checks are directly transmitted to the Bank’s image processing server through secure web connection, 128-bit SSL connection. Deposits are posted to the customer’s account during the day end processing. Captured images are electronically sorted by transit and routing numbers, and transmitted to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) is a deposit transaction delivery system that allows the Bank to receive digital information from deposit documents captured at remote locations. The service is defined as banking products and services provided to only business customers to facilitate deposit of checks or other negotiable instruments from remote locations. Because of the nature and scope of remote deposit capture, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) recommends that financial institutions view this set of activities as a new delivery service rather than a new feature which extends current Item Processing services.

Minimum System Requirements
A prospective customer is required to have the following minimum system requirements in order to utilize the Bank’s Remote Deposit Capture service:

  • Operating System – Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4, Windows XP (with Service Pack 2 recommended), or Windows 2003 with Service Pack 1, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • RAM (Memory) – 512 MB
  • Processor – Pentium IV or compatible 2.4 GHz or higher processor
  • Hard Drive – 1 GB
  • Screen Resolution – 1024×768
  • Internet Explorer – Internet Explorer 6.x or higher
  • .NET Framework – 1.1 with Service Pack 1

Processing Cut-off Time
Transmissions for remote deposits are captured and processed throughout each business day. Customers transmitting deposit information prior to the last posting cutoff time of 5 pm Local Time will be credited as of current business day. Deposits transmitted after the daily cutoff time or on weekends or holidays will be posted the next business day.